Alien Invasive Species
Application version 1.1-4.2018
Alien species is a species introduced by human outside of its natural distribution. Invasive alien species are alien species whose establishment and spread modify ecosystems, habitats, or harmful native and endemic species. An invasive species is a non-native to its confined location that has a tendency to spread to a degree believed to cause damage to the environment, human economy or human health. See a review Nuringtyas et al., 2018 is available here.
BKIPM KKP Indonesia defined that a species has potentially invasive must meet some criteria such as it predates and competes with native or endemic species, ability to adapt in the new environment, it reproduces offspring easily, fast growing and carring disease/parasites.
For a species to become fully invasive, it must successfully out-compete native organisms for food and habitat, spread through its new environment, increase its population and harm ecosystems in its introduced range area.
World Conservation Union classified that invasive alien species are the second most significant threat to biodiversity, after habitat loss. In their new ecosystems, invasive alien species become predators, competitors, parasites, hybridizers, and diseases of our native and domesticated plants and animals.
What Are the Consequences of Invasive Species? The Enviromental Science Foundation described that Invasive species can have a number of negative impacts on the areas that they invade. Perhaps the most significant of these is the widespread loss of habitat. Some invaders can physically alter the habitat in addition to destruction. Other invasive species may not destroy habitat but can have an impact by killing large numbers of endemic species. Lampreys in the Great Lake parasitize native fish. Another case, because the native species have not evolved defenses to lampreys, they often die outright from wounds, or wounds become infected and eventually cause mortality. Invasive species can also impact human health. Invasive zebra mussels accumulate toxins in their tissues like PCB's and PAH's. When other organisms prey on these mussels, the toxins are passed up the food chain and can also enter animals consumed by humans. Ballast water from ships also sometimes contains harmful bacteria like cholera.
AIS Indonesia is a national digital platform aiming at documenting the presence of all alien and invasive species distributed in Indonesian archipelago. The app is designed specifically to provide a series important data base (Pisces) for government and stakeholders on how to eradicate invasive species.
The app featured a classification of the invasive species by Islands (not province) due to their mode occurence found mainly on inlandwater. Other features are projecting a categorize status AIS, diversities and for what purposes are used (i.e aquaculture, ornamentalfishes and other (sport, medecine, research)).
Below are the following persons who made this stunning application thrives online are: Kadarusman, Hardianti F. Aprini., Pulung A. Prabowo., Sri Hardianti., Nadia H. Aditia., Acacia Z.A Mourniaty, Alifa E. Nuringtyas, Fadilah, Faathirrajaf Trisnawan., I W.Y Suryana., Kurnia D. Riadi., Mutiara I. Nurwani., Basan Hulianto., Srinindya G. Utomo., Muhammad F. Mursyid., Agung Srisadono., Ali Akbar., Alya P. Larasati., Andi., Angga Arifianto., Arleine S. Wardhani., Chintia F. Luandariya., Citra T. Sari., Zulkifli., Dewa G. Mahardana., Eka Nursulistyani., Fakhrul I. Nasution., Fathur Haris., Fitri Damayanti., Futra Septian., Ikhsan Maulana., Ilham Mulyana., Isnendar P. Sudrajat., Lilis Maemunah., Mei R.U Pasaribu., Monalisa M. Maliangkay., Novira Farhandika., Rezky N. Balukh., Salman A. Muzakki., Siti Rohmah., Sri P. Merdekawati., Wandha I. Chairunissa., Waode Israwati., Agung Ardiyan., Amtia Moonazia., Anang M. Zulfikar., Ardya F. Nugiyantoro., Avi Ardiyantoro., Boma N. Hafidh., Desi Arumsari., Dewanda., Diah Puspa., Dwi R.R Putri., Ester A.M Sitanggang., Fakhrul Fauzi., Fidya R. Maherzi., Fratiwi R. Bandaso., Gani Gaffari., I D.A.E.A. Ardiani., Ilham D. Nurzaman., Indah Febrianti., Isviana D. Karyati., Keffas L.J.M. Pardede., Lilyani G. Herawati., Meuthia M. Kanedi., Pistar A. Ramadhan., Rahmasari G. Pertiwi., Rizki A. Hidayat., Selvi Febriyanti., Ulfa Fitryan., Winda Br Nainggolan., Delio D. Costa.
In the frame of joint work on public campaign of Indonesia’s AIS, the program has received much helps from student TPS batch 50 namely M. Alfian Widiyanto, Siti Halimah Tusadiah, Mitha Fahreza, I Gede Wina P. Putra, Irham, Lintang Hasbun Nur and Lutfiatunnisa. Their KIPA-iCoplease research project aimed at characterising alien and invasive species in Indonesian freshwater spectrum. Their contribution to additional species are greatly appreciated.
Kadarusman et al., (2018). AIS Indonesia: A national repository documenting all alien and invasive species in Indonesia. Google-Android application. Sekolah Tinggi Perikanan, Jakarta.
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Sekolah Tinggi Perikanan, Jakarta
Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong